(03) 8400 0100

Commercial Leases

Our leasing lawyers can assist you with drafting or reviewing any lease, sub-lease or Commercial lease related document.

We can assist in the transfer (or assignment of lease) process.

We operate on a fixed-fee model as it provides you with certainty and transparency for your legal fees.

Entering into a lease is often a big commercial commitment. It’s vital that you have the lease reviewed by a lawyer that specialists in leasing. We can assist a range of leasing matters including:

  • Drafting and reviewing leases;
  • Preparing and reviewing assignments or transfers;
  • Providing legal advice on different leasing jurisdictions;
  • Negotiating lease clauses including fixtures and fit-out terms, costs and assignment of lease; and
  • Resolving a breach of a lease.

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Our Process

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Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

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