(03) 8400 0100

Contract Advice

When delving into the world of domestic building law, reviewing, or creating a contract necessitates diligence and a comprehensive understanding of its legal implications. Seeking professional legal advice is crucial to ensure the coverage of both the transactional and legal aspects and ensures clarity regarding your rights, responsibilities, and potential liabilities. The intricate nature of domestic building law renders seeking expert legal advice even more essential. A knowledgeable contract lawyer specialising in domestic building law can provide invaluable assistance throughout the contract lifecycle.

What is a contract?

A contract represents a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. Often these agreements entail numerous pages of complex terms and conditions, potentially leading to confusion and inadvertent acceptance of the obligations and rights included in such, without complete understanding.

A building contract entails a legally binding document that outlines the conditions and obligations of the works. It acts as an agreement that assures both the contractor and the client understand their perspective responsibilities.

To be enforceable in a court of law, a contract needs to contain the following:

  1. Both parties must approve a contract;
  2. There must be an awareness of the obligations and rights of both parties;
  3. There must be consideration which entails that there must be a mutual exchange between the parties, to which they both benefit from the contract;
  4. There must be a legal capacity to understand the elements of the contract and sign such in accordance; and
  5. The contract elements must be subject to the authority laws under which they operate.


At Elamine Lawyers we provide you with:

At Elamine Lawyers, our expertise extends to the nuances of domestic building law, ensuring your contracts are legally sound, compliant, and protective of your rights and interests. The information that a contract lawyer provides to you in the preliminary stages of putting together a contract can be vital to protect you in the future. When it comes to domestic building projects, we have experience handling problems with subcontractor agreements, delays, changes, and payment disputes.


Contact us today at or give us a call at (03) 8400 0100 to give you assistance on all your building law needs.  

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Our Process

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Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

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