(03) 8400 0100

Motor Vehicle Claims

Car accident injuries can be very serious.  Motor vehicle claims can include the following:

  • Motor vehicle accidents (e.g. collisions)
  • Motorcycle and bicycle accidents
  • Accidents involving pedestrians
  • Heavy vehicle accidents

It is essential that where possible, as much information is collected from the accident as possible. Our experienced compensation lawyers can assist you with:

  • evaluating your claim
  • collecting important information including details of other vehicles involved (and their insurance details), hospital receipts, medication, etc
  • explanation of police reports
  • contacting the insurance companies involved on your behalf

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Our Process

Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

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