(03) 8400 0100

Domestic Building Disputes

Domestic Building Disputes

We act for many multi-unit once-off developers and large scale volume builders.

Whether it be a small-claim in the Domestic Building Dispute Resolution of Victoria process, VCAT or the County or Supreme Courts, we have assisted clients recovery monies owed or defend variation claims, defects claims, payment disputes and myriad of other issues related to the Domestic Building Contracts Act and Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (Vic) 2002.

Contact our lawyers today for tailored advice.

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Our Process

Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

Dolorem laoreet rerum consequuntur impedit excepturi ipsa maiores eos platea impedit ab molestie nascetur, porro.

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